
5.9 Die Tagespflichten


Zum Aufwärmen machen wir unseren Tagesminiplausch und eine Wiederholung.


In the previous lesson, you learned how to say your daily tasks. Let’s review what you have learned.

Jetzt bist du dran!

What is the first thing you do in the morning? What is the last thing you do at night? Write these activities down in your written journal as a review. Can you say them aloud with confidence? Record them in your audio journal.


In this lesson, we will single out things you have to do. In the end, you will be able to 1) say what things you have to do, 2) say whether you have to work during your studies, and 3) say when you have to do things.

1) Was ich machen muss

Until now, we have talked about our day as a series of things we do. Now we will shift to state which things we have to do. This looks a lot like the English “I must …” is “Ich muss …. What things must you do? What things can you skip?

Read the comic below. Can you tell what activities the characters must do today?

Was musst du heute machen? What do you have to do today? Was musst du nicht heute machen? What do you not have to do today? Look at the lists below and see if you agree with the lists. What would you change to make the lists fit you?

Was musst du heute machen? Was musst du heute nicht machen?


Jetzt bist du dran!

In your written journal, make two columns. Label one with the heading, Heute muss ich machen (have to do today) and the other with the heading, Heute muss ich nicht machen (don’t have to do today). Using the lists above as guides, fill in the columns to reflect your day. What else could you add?

2) Arbeiten müssen

It’s common for many students to have to work while going to school. Read and listen to the question. How does each person respond? Do they have to work while going to school?

Kleiner Hinweis

This is a reminder that the J in German is usually pronounced like a Y, so the word for yes – Ja – is pronounced like YAH.


It should be noted that if it is a word borrowed from English like the word joggen (to jog), then it retains the original English j sound.

One last thing: The word no – Nein – is pronounced just like the English number nine.


Jetzt bist du dran!

Musst du während des Studiums arbeiten? Do you have to work while going to school? Practice answering aloud with ja oder nein.

3) Wann ich alles machen muss

Of all the things you have to do each day, which of the things must you do at a certain time? Look at the examples.

Ich muss um 7hr aufstehen.
Ich muss um 8:30 an die Uni gehen.
Ich muss um 16hr zur Arbeit gehen.


Jetzt bist du dran!

Look again at the list of things you usually must do each day. Wann musst du alles machen? When do you have to do everything? In your written journal, make a note of the times you have to do these activities.


Zum Schluß

In this lesson, you learned to 1) say what things you have to do, 2) say whether you have to work during your studies, and 3) say when you have to do things. If you are feeling unsure about any part of the expanded introduction, go back to that section and review.
Think about your day ahead (or tomorrow if your day is almost behind you). Really consider the things that you have to get done. Write those activities down now. They can be in a list form like the one you saw above.

*As you conclude this lesson, don’t forget to check Canvas!*

Media Attributions

  • 1010-1020 banner long large reduced
  • 5.9 comic was musst du machen © This comic strip was generated at http://www.MakeBeliefsComix.com. Used by permission of author and site creator Bill Zimmerman.
  • Comic made at www.MakeBeliefsComix.com
  • 5.9 comic arbeiten make-beliefs-comix-18-e1730573305836 © This comic strip was generated at http://www.MakeBeliefsComix.com. Used by permission of author and site creator Bill Zimmerman.
  • Photo of woman waking up by pexels-olly-3807632
  • Photo of students walking by pexels-george-pak-7972513
  • 5.9 arbeiten koch pexels-jonathanborba-28703300-scaled-e1730574899376-768×969
  • Private: confidence scale_large horizontal_updated


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

Deutsch im Alltag I (DE) Copyright © by Rebecca Steele and Stephanie Schottel is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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