
5.10 Ein typischer Tag

Guten Tag!

Zum Aufwärmen machen wir unseren Tagesminiplausch und eine Wiederholung.


In the previous lesson, you learned to talk about activities that you must do. Let’s review what you have learned.

Jetzt bist du dran!

Was musst du heute machen? Look at the comic again above in the Wiederholung. Practicing reading the comic aloud (you can press the plus button to enlarge it). Pay special attention to the sentences that express what the characters must do today.


In this lesson, we will expand further on your daily tasks and differentiate between different daily schedules. In the end, you will be able to 1) say when you do which daily tasks on a typical Monday and 2) say when you do which daily tasks on a typical Saturday.

1) Mein typischer Montag

Here we will review the 24-hour clock, your daily tasks, and talking about things you must do with müssen. The goal here is for you to be able to write about and/or present your routines in complete sentences, but not necessarily be able to say them in spontaneous conversation. Das kommt mit der Zeit. That comes in time with enough repetition.

Look at the things that a student an der Uni does on Monday. They are organized by parts of the day, so be sure to click through to each slide. Notice the sentences that indicate that they have to do the activity (look for the word muss).


Kleiner Hinweis

If you want to talk about when your classes are each day, the word Kurs in German is the better choice (instead of using the cognate Klasse). Follow the models below.

Mein Deutschkurs ist um 9hr.

Mein Geschichtskurs ist um 10hr.

Mein Biologiekurs ist um 11hr.


Jetzt bist du dran!

Was muss du am Montag machen? What do you have to do on Monday? Look at the examples in the presentation. Write down the activities you must do and the times that you must do them. Try to use the 24-hour clock like the examples in the presentation. For example, Ich muss um 6hr aufstehen.
Now read this aloud in your audio journal. Practice and record until you are satisfied.

2) Mein typischer Samstag

Weekends are quite different than school days for many. Read about how the student below spends their Saturday. Is it similar or different than your typical Saturday? Complete the activity that follows.

Am Samstag schlafe ich aus. Ich frühstücke um 12hr mit Freunden. Ich gehe um 13.30 ins Kino oder ich spiele Basketball. Ich muss nachmittags lernen. Ich muss um 17hr zur Arbeit gehen. Ich esse um 20hr zu Abend. Ich gehe um 23.30 ins Bett.

Let’s practice with the text.

Kleiner Hinweis

German is a clever language. Take the word schlafen (to sleep). Look at the different ways it can change its meaning with one extra syllable!

schlafen = to sleep

ausschlafen = to sleep in

einschlafen = to fall asleep

verschlafen = to oversleep


Jetzt bist du dran!

Was machst du am Samstag? What do you on Saturday? Are there any activities that you must do on Saturday? Musst du arbeiten? Do you have to work? Musst du deine Wohnung aufräumen? Do you have to clean up your apartment? Or, is Saturday more laid back for you? What is your schedule? Using the examples above, write down your typical Saturday schedule.
Then record yourself in your audio journal. Practice and record until you are satisfied.


Zum Schluß

In this lesson, you learned  to 1) say when you do which daily tasks on a typical Monday and 2) say when you do which daily tasks on a typical Sunday. If you are feeling unsure about any part of the expanded introduction, go back to that section and review.
Imagine you are talking to a new friend on your study abroad in a German-speaking country. Your friend asks: Was musst du am Freitag machen? Was musst du am Samstag machen? Answer your friend’s questions in your written journal using the language modeled in this lesson. What question(s) can you ask in response?
Then record yourself saying your answers sentences aloud in your audio journal. Record until you are satisfied.

*As you conclude this lesson, don’t forget to check Canvas!*




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Deutsch im Alltag I (DE) Copyright © by Rebecca Steele and Stephanie Schottel is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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