Thema 2: Mein Beruf
In first year German, you learned how to say what you are studying and where you work (Ich arbeite bei Walmart.) Now you will learn how to talk more expansively about deinen Beruf (your profession) and your plans for the future. By the end of this Thema, you will be able to talk about why you have chosen your field of study, your future career plans, and your dream job. You will also be able to write your Lebenslauf (C.V.) and practice a job interview.
Here is an overview of the learning objectives for each Lektion of the Thema Mein Beruf. At the end of each lesson, you will be able to…
2.1 Meine Arbeit – heute und morgen
- talk about typical professions
- talk about your current work and studies
- talk about your reasons for your chosen field of study
2.2 Mein nächster Arbeitsplatz
- talk about typical work places
- talk about industry types
- talk about salary and social contributions
2.3 Die Arbeitssuche
read job listings to identify a position with your specifications by
- identifying key elements in the job description
- identifying the required qualifications
- identifying the benefits meaningful to you
2.4 Meine Bewerbung – der Lebenslauf
- be familiar with the application process
- talk about your education path in German-language context
- write a detailed CV (ausführlichen Lebenslauf)
- write a tabular CV (tabellarischen Lebenslauf)
2.5 Meine Bewerbung – das Bewerbungsschreiben
- identify documents required for the application process
- identify the key elements of a letter
- write a cover letter (Bewerbungsschreiben) based on a model
2.6 Das Vorstellungsgespräch
- become familiar with the interview process
- understand and respond to typical interview questions
- identify and utilize the appropriate register for spoken workplace communications
2.7 Mein Traumjob
- describe your dream job
- read job listings and compare with dream job
- detail the necessary steps to obtain your dream job
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- 2030-2040 fl banner large is licensed under a CC BY-NC-SA (Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike) license
- 3.5 lego berufe collection