2.2 Mein nächster Arbeitsplatz
With your future profession more or less in mind, let’s look at the different kinds of Arbeitsplätze und Industrien (workplaces and industries). Which one(s) can you see yourself in after graduation? This lesson will also introduce you to some of the workplace similarities and differences between German-speaking Europe and the US. Knowing about the kinds of workplaces and the language of salary and social contributions will give you the necessary background information, when looking for a job in German-speaking Europe. In the end, you will be able to 1) talk about typical work places and where you plan to work, 2) talk about typical industries and where you plan to work, and 3) recognize the language of salary and social contributions.
1) Arbeitsplätze
The places of employment in Liechstenstein and beyond are similar to those here in the United States. As you will see in the following presentations, you can talk about a place of employment in a number of ways. The first presentation will briefly introduce you to some generalized workplaces (like an office or factory). Be sure to listen and read along with the slides. Für welches interessierst du dich?
Jetzt bist du dran!
Was für einen Arbeitsplatz wirst du haben? If you do not see the type of work that you are interested in, let your instructor know. You can also consider more general preferences, z.B. Ich möchte draußen in der Natur arbeiten. Ich möchte mit kleinen Kindern arbeiten, u.s.w. Or, if you are still figuring out what you would like to do, that is okay too. What words or phrases do you know to express that? Write these answers down in your written journal. Then record them in your audio journal.
2) Industrien und Branchen
The industries in Liechstenstein and beyond are also similar to those here in the United States. This second presentation will more expansively introduce you the various economic sectors and respective Industrien. Be sure to listen and read along with the slides. Für welches interessierst du dich?
Jetzt bist du dran!
In welcher Industrie oder Branche wirst du haben? If you do not see the industry that you are interested in, let your instructor know. If you are still figuring out what you would like to do, that is okay too. What words or phrases do you know to express that? Write these answers down in your written journal. Then record them in your audio journal.
3) Gehälter und Sozialabgaben
Like the US, German-speaking Europe also differentiates between salaried positions and those with hourly wages. Where the two geographic areas differ significantly is things that are considered workplace benefits in the US vs. workers rights in German-speaking Europe. The following presentation gives you a very brief overview of the complex and nuanced topic of Gehälter (salaries) and Sozialabgaben (social contributions). The following lesson will provide you an overview of other workplace benefits (Arbeitgeberleistungen).
Because the countries of Deutschland, Österreich, die Schweiz, Fürstentum Liechtenstein, Frankreich und Belgien are close together, it is common for a worker to live in one country and work in another; in other words, they must commute (pendeln) much like employees in America do, but in this case across borders. The following brief video takes at look at the soziale Sicherheit (“social security” = in this context social safety net) for border crossing Pendler.
Jetzt bist du dran!
Was ist wichtig für dich? Which “benefits” are most important to you? Which German-speaking country offers the kind of social safety net you could imagine living in? Which statement is the most accurate for you?
- Die Sozialabgaben in Liechteinstein würden mir am besten passen.
- Die Sozialabgabeni n der Schweiz würden mir am besten passen.
- Die Sozialabgaben in Österreich würden mir am besten passen.
- Die Sozialabgaben in Deutschland würden mir am besten passen.
Write out that statement in your written journal.
Jetzt kombininieren
In this lesson, you learned how to 1) talk about typical work places and where you plan to work, 2) talk about typical industries and where you plan to work, and 3) recognize the language of salary and social contributions.
Now let’s combine what you have learned in the last two lessons. We will continue to use Sebi as our example.
- Ich studiere Computerwissenschaft, weil ich ein IT-Consultant sein möchte.
- Im Moment studiere ich an der Uni und arbeite Teilzeit beim Apple Store.
- Ich lerne gern neue Technologien und will eine stabile Karriere haben.
- Mein nächster Arbeitsplatz wird im Dienstleistungssektor bei einem großen IT-Unternehmen in Liechsteinstein oder in der Schweiz sein.
- Die Sozialabgaben in Liechteinstein und in der Schweiz würden mir am besten passen.
Using Sebi’s sentences as your model, state your field of study and reason(s), your current work and your future plans.
When you are done, read your sentences aloud and then record yourself in your audio journal. As always, you are more than welcome to meet with a classmate and do your recordings together!
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