
2.1 Meine Arbeit – heute und morgen


Most of you are learning German as a part of your course of studies in college. You may have chosen your major (and, perhaps, minors) with a specific career in mind or you may be still contemplating what you want to do after graduation. This lesson’s focus is on the reason behind your chosen major. You will be encouraged to think about what profession you will enter after graduation.  In the end, you will be able to talk about 1) typical professions and your planned profession, 2) your current studies and work, and 3) your reasons for your chosen field of study.

1) Mein zukünftiger Beruf

There is a seemingly infinite variety of professions and professional occupations. The following is a selection of different types of jobs you might want to have in the future. On each card, be sure to listen to the audio and read each sentence aloud in order to build your passive vocabulary.

Let’s practice with these activities.

For more practice, listen as Berna describes what she thinks her life will look like in 10 years. Can you tell what she would like to be von Beruf and where she would like to live? How can you tell that she is talking about the future?

Now, listen as Jan gives his answer. Can you tell what he would like to be von Beruf? What words clue you in that he is talking about the future?



Jetzt bist du dran!

You have seen and learned many professions. Imagine that you are meeting your friend or partner’s German-speaking parents for the very first time. The parent asks, “Was willst du werden?” Answer the question in your written journal. If you don’t see your ideal occupation above, feel free to ask your instructor or practice describing what you would do, even if you do not know the exact name. Then read your sentence(s) aloud for your audio journal.

2) Mein Studium/Mein Job

Was studierst du? Betriebswirtschaft? Musiktherapie? Mathematik? Oder vielleicht bist du noch in der High School und weißt noch nicht, was du studieren möchtest. Kein Problem! Let’s start by reviewing the fields of study. If you focused on learning your field of study in previous semesters, expand your vocabulary by committing to memory another Studienfach of perhaps a friend or classmate.

It’s common for many students to have to work part-time (Teilzeit) while going to school. Musst du während des Studiums arbeiten? Hast du im Moment einen Teilzeit Job? Read and listen to the characters respond to this question below.

Liechstenstein im Blickpunkt

Mit ca. 38.000 Personen auf 160 km2ist Liechtenstein das sechstkleinste Land in der Welt. Das Land bewilligt lediglich ca. 100 Aufenthaltsbewilligungen im Jahr. Hier sind mehr Informationen zu Visen in Liechtenstein.


Jetzt bist du dran!

Was studierst du? Im welchen Jahr bist du? Musst du während des Studiums arbeiten? Answer the questions in your written journal.

When you are done, record your statements. Be sure to practice, before you begin recording and/or rerecord, if your statements do not flow like natural speech.

3) Meine Studiumwahl

You are probably now confident in answering, “Was studierst du?” or “Wo arbeitest du?” Read and listen below to Sebi and Claudia’s answers to these questions, paying special attention to how they expand their answers to include reasons behind their choices.

Ich studiere Informatik im Hauptfach und Musik im Nebenfach. Musik gefällt mir besser als der Computer, aber in der Zukunft kann ich mehr Geld im IT-Bereich verdienen. Deswegen will ich Software-Entwickler oder IT-Berater werden. Im Moment arbeite ich Teilzeit beim Apple Store.

Ich studiere Medizin, weil ich Ärztin werden möchte. Ich will Menschen helfen und gleichzeitig eine stabile Karriere aufbauen. Zurzeit arbeite ich ehrenamtlich im Krankenhaus.

Consider the structures Sebi and Claudia used to express their study and work situations and why they are doing what they do.

Ich studiere…, weil…
Ich arbeite…, weil…
Ich möchte…werden (I would like to become a…)
Ich werde… werden. (I will become a…)
Deswegen will ich… werden. (That is why I want to become a…)


Jetzt bist du dran!

Look at the comic. If Heimo were describing his current study/work situation and the reasons behind his choices, how do you think he would answer? Feel free to be creative as you complete his speech bubble.

Now it’s time to focus on you. Was studierst du? Warum? Arbeitest du? Wenn ja, wo? Answer these questions, using the modeled language from Claudia and Sebi, instead of translating your English thoughts word-for-word into German!

When you are done, record your statements. Be sure to practice, before you begin recording and/or rerecord, if your statements do not flow like natural speech.

Jetzt kombininieren

In this lesson, you learned to talk about 1) typical professions and your planned profession, 2) your current studies and work, and 3) your reasons for your chosen field of study.

Now let’s combine what you have learned. Here is what Sebi would say.

  • Ich studiere Informatik, weil ich IT-Berater werde möchte.
  • Im Moment studiere ich an der Uni und arbeite Teilzeit beim Apple Store.
  • Ich lerne gern neue Technologien und will eine stabile Karriere haben.

Once you have compiled your answer, record yourself in your audio journal. As always, you are more than welcome to meet with a classmate and do your recordings together!


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