
Grammatikalisches Geschlecht – Grammatical gender

Rebecca Steele

German has three genders: masculine, feminine, and neuter. The plural for all three genders is the same.

There are two kinds of articles in German: definite (= the) and indefinite (= a/an) articles.

masculine feminine neuter plural
Definite (=the) der die das die
Indefinite (=a/an) ein eine ein keine (= no; not any)

Because there are three genders, there are three words for “it”, since each word will take the corresponding pronoun. What does this mean?

das Haus –> es the house –> it
die Blume –> sie the flower –> it
der Baum –> er the tree –> it


When talking about people, the pronoun also follows the gender of the noun.

der Mann –> er the man –> he
die Frau –> sie the woman –> she
das Kind –> es the child –> he/she/ it
das Mädchen –> es
the girl –> she


Generally, you will need to memorize the corresponding gender. Here are some resources on German gender rules to help limit the necessity to memorize the gender for every word.

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