
5.3 Sehenswürdigkeiten und Aktivitäten


After you had arrived at your destination and settled into your lodgings, you probably explored your destination by seeing the sights (Sehenswürdigkeiten) or doing activities, or both. At the end of this lesson, you will be able talk about 1) sights you have seen on your Familienurlaub, 2) activities you have done, 3) sights and activities from someone else’s vacation.

1) Sehenswürdigkeiten

Sofia Müller ist in die Schweiz gefahren, nachdem sie ihren High-School-Abschluss gemacht hatte. Sofia Müller traveled to Switzerland after she had graduated from high school. Read along as you listen to her talk about the many sights she visited along the way.


Let’s check your comprehension of the sights!

Jetzt bist du dran!

Welche Sehenswürdigkeiten hast du im letzten Familienurlaub gesehen? Answer the questions in your written journal, using the modeled language above. Then record yourself in your audio journal.

2) Aktivitäten

Now Sofia talks about the activities she participated in while on her trip to Switzerland. You will note that there can be overlap between Sehenswürdigkeit and Aktivität.

Let’s check your comprehension of the activities!

Jetzt bist du dran!

Welche Aktivitäten hast du im letzten Familienurlaub gesehen? Answer the questions in your written journal, using the modeled language above. Then record yourself in your audio journal.

3) Sehenswürdigkeiten und Aktivitäten

In this last section, you will watch these three brief interviews and then answer questions in your written journal.

Interview 1: Bernas letzte Reise –> Deutsch/Englisch Transkript
Interview 2: Interview mit Jan –> Deutsch/English Transkript


Interview 3: Evas letzte Reise –> Deutsch/English Transkript

Deutsch IRL

As you noted in the interviews, German-speakers often travel far and wide. You can read and listen to these linked interviews Urlaub mal anders with German youth talk about what happened to their family vacations and other travel plans during COVID-19 (usually called Coronavirus in German).

You can also check out the Deutsche Welle unit on Urlaub (Vacation) for more words and phrases to help you talk about your family vacations.

Jetzt bist du dran!

Wohin sind Berna, Jan und Eva gefahren? Welche Sehenswürdigkeiten haben sie besucht? Welche Aktivitäten haben sie gemacht? Answer the questions in your written journal.

Jetzt kombinieren

In this lesson, you learned how to talk about able talk about 1) sights you have seen on your Familienurlaub, 2) activities you have done, 3) sights and activities from someone else’s vacation. Now let’s combine everything!

Erzähl mal von deinem letzten Familienurlaub! Wann bist du gefahren? Wohin bist du gefahren? Womit bist du gefahren? Wo hast du übernachtet? Was hast du dort besucht, gesehen und gemacht? Answer the questions in your written journal using the modeled language from this and the previous lessons. If you want to challenge yourself, after you have answered the questions from the ich-Perspektive, write them again from the wir-Perspektive.

When you are done, and you’ve checked your written work, record yourself in your audio journal.

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Media Attributions

  • 2030-2040 ch banner reduced size