
3.11 Kleidungsfarben

Hallo alle zusammen!

Zum Aufwärmen machen wir unseren Tagesminiplausch und eine Wiederholung.


In the previous lesson you learned how to express what you wear for certain occasions. Let’s review.

Jetzt bist du dran!

Are you going to work today? To the university? Staying at home? Write a sentence that says what you are wearing for the occasion you find yourself in today.


In this lesson, we will expand our conversation about clothing to talk about how frequently you wear which colors. In the end, you will be able to 1) talk about colored and patterned clothing, 2) talk about other clothing descriptors 3) say how often you and your family members wear them.

Was weißt du schon?

Assess your current skill level with the following activity.

Noch nicht start klar?

Du kannst immer auf die gleiche 1010-Lektion zurückgreifen!

Not confident about starting this lesson?

You can always review the same Lektion from 1010.

1) What colors and patterns do you wear?

Look at the example sentences below. On a general level, what do you notice about how the sentences are grouped together (hint: look at the endings on the descriptors before the item of clothing)? More specifically, can you determine the item of clothing, any colors involved, or any other words that might indicate how the clothing looks? Always focus on what you do know and understand.

Ich trage einen rot-weiß gestreiften Pullover.
Ich trage einen mit Herzen gemusterten Rock.
Ich trage ein gelbes geblümtes Kleid.

Ich trage eine schwarz-braune karierte Lederjacke.

Ich trage eine braune Baseballkappe mit Cowboy Joe.

Ich trage ein weißes T-Shirt mit lustigem Aufdruck.

Ich trage bunt gepunktete Badeschuhe.

Ich trage schwarz-weiße Ringelsocken.


Let’s practice.

Jetzt bist du dran!

Was trägst du heute? What are you wearing today? Are you wearing an item of clothing that has a distinctive color or feature. How would you describe it? Or do you have any clothing with a distinctive color/pattern? Using the sentences above as a template, write about this clothing in your written journal.

Then record yourself describing your clothing aloud! You might need to practice saying it a couple times before recording. Or rerecord, if you are not satisfied.

2) Other clothing descriptors

Fashion calls for a variety of vocabulary. You have already learned groß, klein, lang, und kurz. Let’s add to the list of clothing descriptors by looking at clothing grouped by theme.

If you want to say an item of clothing looks nice, you can use…

hübsch, schön, elegant….or the opposite: hässlich

Die Weinachtspullis sind hässlich.

If you want to comment on the trendiness of the clothing piece, you can use…

modern, modisch, schick…or altmodisch

Das graue Kleid ist sehr schick und modern und nicht altmodisch.

If you want to comment on the fit, you can say an item of clothing is…

eng, locker, breit, dick, dünn

Die Frau trägt einen lockeren Pullover. Der Pulli ist gar nicht eng. 

If you want to comment on the the price, you can say an item of clothing is

preiswert, günstig or the opposite: teuer

Der graue Anzug und die weiße gepunktete Krawatte sind teuer.

Or simply, clothing can be…

alt neu, sauber schmutzig

Das Kind trägt einen schmutzigen grauen Pullover.

Jetzt bist du dran!

Was trägst du heute? Wie ist deine Kleidung? How would you describe the clothes you are wearing today? Neu oder alt? Schön oder hässlich? In your written journal, record the condition of your clothing, using the modeled language above.

Then record yourself! You might need to practice saying it a couple times before recording. Or rerecord, if you are not satisfied

3) Immer – oft – manchmal – selten – nie

In the past you were introduced to words like immer, oft, etc. Let’s review while adding a new word to the mix.

Jetzt bist du dran!

Wie oft trägst du T-Shirts? Wie oft trägst du Baseballkappen? Welche Kleidungsstücke trägst du nie? Consider these questions and write a sentence for each of the words marking frequency (also called adverbs) = immer, oft, manchmal, selten, nie.

Challenge yourself by building longer sentences using und or aber.


Österreich im Blickpunkt: Der Linzer Hauptplatz

Mit 13.140 m² ist der Linzer Hauptplatz einer der größten Plätzen Europas. Er könnte 20.000 Menschen halten. Seit Oktober 2024 ist der Hauptplatz eine Fußgängerzone.

The Main Square in Linz is one of the largest in Europe. It is 15,715 square yards. (A football field is 6,396 square yards.) Since October 2024, the Main Square is a pedestrian zone.


Zum Schluß

Let’s combine the various parts of the lesson, starting with the answer to the question: Was trägst du heute?
What are you wearing today? Do you wear these kinds of clothes often or always or less often? Do you vary colors and patterns? Are there colors and patterns you completely avoid? Is this clothing modern or elegant? How often do wear this kind of clothing? The more you write, the more practice you are getting!
As with all of these lessons, you should primarily focus on using and learning the words that are the most relevant to you!
If you want a greater challenge, look at any people sitting around you, think about your family members’ typical clothing, or google images of people and practice describing their clothing.
When you’re ready, record some or all of your descriptions. Remember, the more often you hear and repeat content, the closer you are to knowing it! If you can record immediately without reading, that’s great! Otherwise, practice saying what you’ve learned a couple times before recording. Or rerecord, if you are not satisfied.

*As you conclude this lesson, don’t forget to check Canvas!*


Media Attributions

  • 1020-at-banner-large-1
  • make-beliefs-comix-65-1-2048×684 © This comic strip was generated at http://www.MakeBeliefsComix.com. Used by permission of author and site creator Bill Zimmerman.
  • 3.11 pullover rotgestreift clothes-1294931_1280
  • 3.11 skirt hearts -6276823_1280 (1)
  • 3.11 dress yellow flowered wedding-dress-297509_1280
  • 3.11 jacket karierte -310192_1280 (1)
  • 3.11 hat cowboy joe -306380_1280 (1)
  • 3.11 t-shirt lustig -34481_1280
  • 3.11 badeschuhe gepunktet thongs-305284_1280
  • 3.11 striped socks
  • Photo of ugly Christmas sweater by Will Richardson via Flickr, Attribution-NonCommercial 2.0 Generic
  • Photo of woman in gray dress by Khaled Ghareeb via Unsplash
  • 3.11 baggy sweater joseph-perez-23b-G5BKrSU-unsplash-300×201
  • 3.11_3 comic file-66eb3dc3cc488
  • Private:


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Deutsch im Alltag II (AT) Copyright © by Rebecca Steele and Stephanie Schottel is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.