H5P activities list

This book includes 374 H5P activities. Only those which have been inserted into book content will be included if the book is cloned.

ID Title Activity type Show/Hide
393for DiA 2 BeilagenColumn
3946.10 Wiederholung von 6.9Question Set
3956.10 Hunger und DurstDrag and Drop
3966.10 EssensvielfaltCourse Presentation
3976.10 Ich will (nicht) essenQuestion Set
3986.11 (i) Food category matchingMatching
3996.11 Wiederholung von 6.10Question Set
4006.13 (i) Restaurant wählenQuestion Set
4016.12 Einkaufen im SupermarktCourse Presentation
4026.12 Hilfe im SupermarktQuestion Set
4036.13 (i) Wiederholing - Hilfe im Supermarkt with built-in imageQuestion Set
4046.13 (i) SchnitzeljagdMultiple Choice
4056.13 (i) Ich möchte bitte...Question Set
4071.2 Begrüßungen und NamenQuestion Set
1 17 18 19