
Thema 6: Mahlzeit und Prost

If you look back at your daily schedule, you can see that you are now able to talk about two of the three big parts of your day: your free time and your college work. This final Thema focuses on that remaining part, which is also an important part of social interactions with friends and people you are getting to know: meals.

In Thema 6 Mahlzeit! und Prost! You will be introduced to many words and phrases related to food and drink. As was the case for previous topics, you will see many more words than you are expected to commit to memory. Instead, you should continue building your passive vocabulary (the words you can at least recognize belonging to a certain topic/group while listening and reading) and your active vocabulary (the words you can use in speaking and writing). In the end, you will be able to name some specific foods you like to eat and others that you do not like to eat or cannot eat due to allergies or food sensitivities. You will be able read a menu and order food online and in a restaurant as well as shop for groceries in order to cook for yourself and friends.

Mahlzeit! und Prost!

6.1 Äpfel mit Birnen vergleichen

  1. recognize words for fruits among other food word
  2. name at least two fruits that you like to eat
  3. name at least one fruit that you do not eat.

6.2 Tomaten auf den Augen haben

  1. recognize words for vegetables among other food words
  2. name at least two vegetables that you like to eat
  3. name at least one vegetable that you do not eat

6.3 Weder Fisch noch Fleisch – oder doch?

  1. recognize words for protein-heavy foods among other food words
  2. name at least two eiweishaltige Lebensmittel that you like to eat
  3. name at least one that you do not eat

6.4 Stille Wasser sind tief

  1. recognize words for beverages among other food words
  2. name at least two beverages you drink
  3. name at least one beverage you do not drink.

6.5 Das ist ein schönes Frühstück!

  1. recognize words for breakfast foods
  2. say what you typically eat for breakfast.

6.6 Schwarzes Brot macht Wangen rot

  1. recognize words for die kalte Mahlzeit
  2. say when you eat your kalte Mahlzeit
  3. say what you typically eat for your kalte Mahlzeit

6.7 Abwarten und Tee trinken

  1. recognize names for various Zwischenmahlzeiten
  2. recognize food and drinks common to these meals
  3. list what you typically consume in-between your other meals

6.8 Den Braten riechen

  1. recognize words for die warme Mahlzeit
  2. say when you eat your warme Mahlzeit
  3. say what you typically eat for your warme Mahlzeit

6.9 Um den Pudding gehen

  1. recognize words for Nachtisch
  2. say what you typically eat for Nachtisch

6.10 Hunger haben und Essensvielfalt

  1. say that you are hungry and thirsty
  2. recognize a variety of cultural cuisines
  3. say what kinds of food you want to eat

6.11 Eine Einkaufsliste schreiben

  1. make a meal plan
  2. write a shopping list based on your meal plan

6.12 Lebensmittel einkaufen – Grocery shopping

  1. recognize words relevant for grocery shopping at a Supermarkt
  2. recognize prices (decimal numbers
  3. ask for help while grocery shopping

6.13 Essen gehen

  1. pick a restaurant based on what you want to eat
  2. read a menu
  3. order your meal
  4. pay for your meal


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