
3.8 Meine Augen und Haare

Guten Tag!

Zum Aufwärmen machen wir unseren Tagesminiplausch und eine Wiederholung.


In the previous lesson, you learned how to describe your height and the length of your hair, nose, legs, etc. Let’s review what you have learned.

Jetzt bist du dran!

Wie groß bist du? Bist du groß oder bist du klein? Answer the questions in your journal stating your Körpergröße.


Of course, when you are describing a person, you could go into great detail, talking about “alabaster brows” and “hands veined like spiderwebs”. For our purposes, in this lesson, we will focus on the two body parts that are most commonly described: eyes and hair. In addition to their respective sizes, their description generally includes a color. Just like in English, there are some color words that are specific to eye and hair color (think: hazel green and blond). In the end, you will be able to talk about 1) your eyes, 2) your glasses, and 3) your hair.

1) Die Augen

You might recall learning about colors in the first unit. Let’s revisit the basic colors for a moment and then explore some additional eye colors.

Like English, we can build more specific colors. What do you think these eye colors mean?


Jetzt bist du dran!

Welche Augenfarbe hast du? Hast du große oder kleine Augen?  In your written journal, answer the questions. You’ll get more practice by writing out answers in complete sentences.
Now record your answers in your audio journal. If you can do it immediately without reading, that’s great! Otherwise, practice saying it a couple times before recording. Or rerecord, if you are not satisfied.

2) Die Brille

Look at the image. Can you guess what eine Brille means?

Photo by Designecologist: https://www.pexels.com/photo/selective-focus-photography-of-pink-and-black-framed-eyeglasses-975668/

Kleiner Hinweis

Some words that are plural in  English (e.g. glasses, jeans, and pants) are singular in German. These words require the use of the word eine in front of the word.



Let’s practice. Be sure to click through to each question.


Watch the snippet from the video and then answer the questions below. Be sure to click through to each question in the question set in order to benefit the most from the practice.



Jetzt bist du dran!

Welche Augenfarbe hast du? Hast du große oder kleine Augen? Trägst du eine Brille? In your written journal, answer the questions. You’ll get more practice by writing out answers in complete sentences.
Now record your answers in your audio journal. If you can do it immediately without reading, that’s great! Otherwise, practice saying it a couple times before recording. Or rerecord, if you are not satisfied.

3) Die Haare

Think of the Farben you have learned. Which ones could be hair colors? Nowadays almost any color can be a hair color! Let’s practice how to say your hair color.

Do you remember the words we learned to describe short and long body parts? We can use those same descriptors to describe our hair length. Let’s review.


Jetzt bist du dran!

Wie sind deine Haare? Sind sie kurz oder lange? Welche Haarfarbe hast du? In your written journal, answer the questions, stating the length and color of your hair. You should begin with Ich habe…
Then record yourself in your audio journal. If you can do it immediately without reading, that’s great! Otherwise, practice saying it a couple times before recording. Or rerecord, if you are not satisfied.


Watch the following video as the you listen to descriptions of eyes and hair. Complete the interactive activities within the video as you listen.


Österreich im Blickpunkt: Stahlproduktion

Das Linz-Donawitz-Verfahren ist eine Produktionsmethode zur Stahlerzeugung durch Umwandlung von kohlenstoffreichem Roheisen in kohlenstoffarmen Stahl. Mit diesem Verfahren werden derzeit 72 % der Weltrohstahlproduktion hergestellt (Stand: 2013). Benannt ist es nach den beiden österreichischen Stahlwerken Linz und Donawitz, deren Ingenieure den Prozess mitentwickelt haben.

Linz-Donawitz steelmaking (Basic oxygen steelmaking) is a method of primary steelmaking in which carbon-rich molten crude iron is made into steel. 72% of the world’s crude steel production is made with this process (2013). It was named after the two Austrian steel plants in Linz and Donawitz, whose engineers contributed to the development of the process.


Zum Schluß

In this lesson, you learned how to describe talk about 1) your eyes, 2) your glasses, and 3) your hair. If you are feeling unsure about any part of the expanded introduction, go back to that section and review.
Wie sehen deine Augen aus? Wie sehen deine Haare aus? Trägst du eine Brille? In your written journal, answer the questions stating the color and size of your eyes, the length and color of your hair, and whether you wear glasses.
Then record yourself in your audio journal. If you can do it immediately without reading, that’s great! Otherwise, practice saying it a couple times before recording. Or rerecord, if you are not satisfied.

*As you conclude this lesson, don’t forget to check Canvas!*



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Deutsch im Alltag I (AT) Copyright © by Rebecca Steele and Stephanie Schottel is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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