2.3 Wo ich wohne und woher ich komme
Let’s warm up with our Tagesminiplausch and Wiederholung.
In the previous lesson, you learned how to say the names and ages of your family members. Let’s review! Read about Annika. Then answer the questions that follow (be sure to click through to each question).
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Jetzt bist du dran!
As a review, write out the people that you have in your nuclear family, such as Geschwister (siblings), Eltern (parents), and Haustiere (pets). Then write out the names and ages of your nuclear family members. Finally record yourself in your audio journal.
In this lesson, we will talk about origins and family. In the end, you will be able to 1) say where you live and 2) say where you come from.
1) How to say where you live
Just like in English, when someone asks where you live, you can respond with the city, state, or the country, depending on the context of the conversation. Read about the people below and answer the questions that follow.
Remember: After you’ve responded to the question “Wo wohnst du?”,
you can ask the question back by simply saying “Und du?“
Jetzt bist du dran!
2) How to say where you are from
Since we often no longer live where we grew up, we will learn how to say where we are from. Read the introductions again below. See if you can spot how each person says where they are from.
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Grüß Gott, ich heiße Emilia. Ich bin 21 Jahre alt und komme aus Wien. Ich studiere an der Üniversität Wien. Ich bin Studentin. | ![]() |
Servus, ich heiße Lara und ich bin 34 Jahre alt. Ich komme aus San Diego, aber ich wohne jetzt in Salzburg. Ich arbeite bei einer Computerfirma. |
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Guten Tag, ich heiße Noah und komme aus Linz. Ich bin 30 Jahre alt. Ich bin Lehrer. | ![]() |
Hallo, ich heiße Julian. Ich bin 18 Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Graz. Ich bin Schüler an der AHS*. |
*AHS is the compulsory high school (Grades 9-12) in Austria; it stands for Allgemeinbildende höhere Schule.
Let’s practice!
Österreich im Blickpunkt
Jetzt bist du dran!
Zum Schluß
**As you conclude this lesson, don’t forget to check Canvas!**
Media Attributions
- Johannes image and text adapted from Grenzenlos Deutsch, licensed under a CC BY-NC-SA International License.
- Cowboy Joe © University of Wyoming, image used with permission from UW Trademark and Licensing.
- Introductions images and texts adapted from Grenzenlos Deutsch, licensed under a CC BY-NC-SA International License.
Media Attributions
- Private: 1010-at-banner-large
- Photo of Annika by George Milton at Pexels.com
- Image of Emilia by pikisuperstar on Freepic
- Image of Lara by pikisuperstar on Freepic
- Image of Noah by pikisuperstar on Freepic
- Image of Julian by pikisuperstar on Freepic