H5P activities list
This book includes 218 H5P activities. Only those which have been inserted into book content will be included if the book is cloned.
ID | Title | Activity type | Show/Hide |
62 | Wo ist was? (in/zwischen) | Course Presentation | |
63 | Wo ist was? (hinter/vor/über) | Course Presentation | |
64 | 1.4 More preposition practice | Question Set | |
65 | 2.1 Tagesroutine | Course Presentation | |
66 | 2.1 Gestern morgen | Course Presentation | |
67 | 2.1 Gestern Mittag/Nachmittag | Course Presentation | |
68 | 2.1 Gestern Abend | Course Presentation | |
69 | 2.3 Marens Wochenende | Interactive Book | |
70 | 2.3 Inas Geburtstagswochenende | Interactive Book | |
71 | 2.1 Vergangene Zeiten | Matching | |
72 | 2.1 Vergangene Zeiten - lernen | Dialog Cards | |
73 | 2.1 Was hast du gestern gemacht? | Question Set | |
74 | 2.1 Vergangene Zeit (Adverbien) | Interactive Book | |
75 | 2.1 Vergangene Zeit (Adverbien) | Question Set | |
76 | 2.1 Vergangene Zeiten - prüfen | Question Set | |
77 | 1.2 Morgenroutine Wortschatz (1) | Dialog Cards | |
78 | 1.2 Morgenroutine Wortschatz (2) | Dialog Cards | |
79 | 1.2 Morgenroutine Wortschatz (2./3. Person) | Dialog Cards | |
80 | 1.2 Morgenroutine Wortschatz (2, 2./3. Person) | Dialog Cards | |
81 | Wie oft putzt du dir die Zähne? | Course Presentation | |