2.3 Letztes Wochenende


Now that you can talk about your everyday tasks and morning routines in the past and present, this lesson shifts the focus to the weekend. We often do things a bit differently on the weekend. We may have a different routine or no routine at all. We often try to catch up on homework or studying, but we also want to make time for our hobbies and friends. Many of these topics should be familiar to you from your first year of German. In this lesson, we will work on recalling those topics and learning how to talk about them in the context of last weekend. In the end, you will be able to 1) practice your listening and reading comprehension skills, 2) talk about your weekend and 3) ask about someone’s weekend.

1) Hören und lesen, was sie am Wochenende gemacht haben

To get us started, let’s look at what Maren, Ina, Luca, and Sofia did last weekend. For each person, you will have an audio recording and a text. Before you open any of the activities, think in German about the kind of words and phrases you can expect to hear, when someone is talking about their weekend, and write down what comes to mind in your class journal. If you are stuck remembering some words – don’t worry! Just write down the English equivalent.

Then listen to the recording without looking at the text and take note (in German or English) of whatever parts you understand. For at least one of the texts, plan to listen to the recording a second time before reading. Los geht’s!

Maren, was hast du am Wochenende gemacht?

Was hat Ina am Wochenende gemacht?

Luca, was hast du letztes Wochenende gemacht?

Sofia, was hast du am Wochenende gemacht?

Jetzt bist du dran!

Which words did you hear that you expected to hear? Which words were missing? Did any of the words you initially couldn’t remember come up? What new words did you learn?

2) Was ich am Wochenende gemacht habe

The following thematic overviews should be, at least in part, a review. New will likely be how to talk about these things in the past. As you listen to and read the many phrases on hobbies and other free time activities, pay special attention to – and take note of! – the phrases that are meaningful to you. Those are the words you should work on committing to memory.

Kreative Hobbys


Zocken und andere Spiele und Aktivitäten


Jetzt bist du dran!

Was hast du am Wochenende gemacht? Using the models above (Maren, Ina, Luca, and Sofia) and the relevant words and phrases in the three presentations of free time activities, write about your last weekend in your journal. What did you do? Where did you go? Remember to stay in your German mind while writing. When you are done, check your spelling and structures against the models and presentations.
If the models above do not provide all of the words you need, 1) try circumlocution (write about it ) or, if that does not work, 2) write the closest German equivalent. If the issue is the verb – e.g. you know what the verb is, but you do not know the past form, then guess. Once you are done writing and you have checked your spelling and structures against the models, look up any missing words or forms in one of the recommended online dictionaries (e.g. Leo, Linguee, Dict.cc) or ask your instructor.
Then record yourself in your audio journal. If you can do it immediately without reading, that’s great! Otherwise, practice saying it a couple times before recording. Or rerecord, if you are not satisfied.

3) Nach dem Wochenende fragen


Jetzt kombinieren!

In this lesson, you worked on 1) your listening and reading comprehension skills, and you learned how to 2) talk about your weekend and 3) ask about someone’s weekend. If you are feeling unsure about any part of this lesson, go back to that section and review.
Imagine a conversation between you and classmate. You didn’t see each other over the weekend and you like to spend the time before your instructor arrives to class talking about your weekend. This time, you’re going to do it in German! How do you ask about the classmate’s weekend? What do you say when your classmate asks you about yours? During your conversation, you both discover that you forgot to charge your cell phones, so you are “stuck” using the German you know in your heads! Write down your conversation.
When you are done, record your conversation in your audio journal. For more practice: meet up with a classmate or communicate online about your weekend! Record your conversation in your audio journal.

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Deutsch im Alltag III: Gestern und heute Copyright © by Rebecca Steele is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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