
6.3 Weder Fisch noch Fleisch – oder doch?


Zum Aufwärmen machen wir unseren Tagesminiplausch und eine Wiederholung.


In the previous lesson, you learned about vegetables and ways to describe the way vegetables are prepared. Let’s review what you have learned.

Jetzt bist du dran!

Isst du gern gesalzenes Gemüse? Isst du gern Gemüse mit Butter oder ohne Butter? Mit Sauce oder ohne Sauce? Consider the vegetables that you like to eat (choose at least two, if possible) and write in your written journal how you typically eat them.


We started this unit with the nutrient all-stars, fruits and veggies. Now it’s time to discuss the food products that we need for protein. In the end, you will be able to 1) name at least 5 kinds of eiweishaltige Lebensmittel, 2) say which kinds of eiweishaltige Lebensmittel you prefer to eat, and 3) say which kinds of preparation you prefer.

Was weißt du schon?

Let’s do a skills check before we dive in.

Noch nicht start klar?

Du kannst immer auf die gleiche 1010-Lektion zurückgreifen!

Not confident about starting this lesson?

You can always review the same Lektion from 1010.


1) Eiweishaltige Lebensmittel kennen

Read and listen to the protein-rich foods in the presentation below. How many do you remember?

Let’s practice.


Jetzt bist du dran!

Isst du Fleisch, Fisch, Milchprodukte, oder andere eiweishaltige Lebensmittel? Modeling the sentences in the presentation above, write the products that you like to eat in your written journal.
Now record this in German in your audio journal. If you can do it immediately without reading, that’s great! Otherwise, practice saying it a couple times before recording. Or rerecord, if you are not satisfied.

2) Lieber und am liebsten

We all have our preferences. Was isst du lieber? Was isst du am liebsten? Look at the examples.

Ich esse lieber Joghurt als Käse. Ich esse lieber Hamburger als Tofu. Ich esse am liebsten Forelle.

Let’s practice.


Jetzt bist du dran!

Was isst du am liebsten? Everyone has a favorite. What is yours? Write your answer in a complete sentence in your written journal.
Then record yourself in your audio journal. If you can do it immediately without reading, that’s great! Otherwise, practice saying it a couple times before recording. Or rerecord, if you are not satisfied.


3) Zubereitung

How do you like your protein prepared? Gegrillt? Grilled? Gewürzt? Seasoned? The good news is that some of the descriptors we use to describe food preparation styles share similarities with English. Some you might have to look at a little closer to see a connection. Take a look. Be sure to click through to each page.

Read the example sentences below.

Ich esse lieber gebratenes als gebackenes Rindfleisch.

Ich esse am liebsten gegrillten Fisch.

Ich esse lieber gewürztes als ungewürztes Fleisch.

Ich esse scharfgewürzte Wurst am liebsten.

Ich esse lieber cremigen als fettarmen Joghurt.

Let’s practice.

Jetzt bist du dran!

Imagine that you are at a restaurant in a German-speaking country and you have to make a choice about the type of meat or other protein you want to eat. Your German friend really wants you to try the gebratenes Rindfleisch, but that’s not for you. Pick a protein and a preparation style to build a sentence that describes what you like the best or prefer over gebratenes Rindfleisch. Unless of course you like your friend’s recommendation, then write a sentence that expresses that!
Then record yourself in your audio journal. If you can do it immediately without reading, that’s great! Otherwise, practice saying it a couple times before recording. Or rerecord, if you are not satisfied.


Zum Schluß

It’s time to challenge yourself! Get your written journal, make two columns “Ich esse gern” and “Ich esse nicht gern“. Then write down every kind of protein that you can name, including the article (der, die, das). Your goal should be to name at least 5 things correctly. Be sure to add a third column “Ich esse nie“, if there are foods you never eat due to religious reasons or food sensitivities.
Once you are done, check your work and make any necessary corrections. Then record complete sentences, stating what you like to eat, do not like to eat, and never eat. If necessary, re-listen to the pronunciations above.
If you’re in a study session with a classmate, make a competition out of this! Who can name the most?

*As you conclude this lesson, don’t forget to check Canvas!*


Media Attributions

  • 1020-banner-large-reduced
  • pexels-karolina-grabowska-6660117
  • Photo of man with hamburger pexels-ollivves-1059040
  • Photo of fish by pexels-nadin-sh-78971847-11776375
  • all the proteins


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Deutsch im Alltag II (DE) Copyright © by Rebecca Steele and Stephanie Schottel is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.