
6.1 Äpfel mit Birnen vergleichen


Zum Aufwärmen machen wir unseren Tagesminiplausch und eine Wiederholung.


In the previous lesson, you learned how to describe what you and your friend want to do on your ideal day. Let’s review what you have learned.

Read the text and complete the activity below.

Mein bester Freund Josh will den Tag mit mir verbringen.

Er will nicht arbeiten.

Er will nur Spaß haben.

Josh will früh aufstehen und laufen.

Er will schon um 8hr frühstücken.

Später will er Carcassone mit mir spielen.

Nach dem Spiel will er mit mir ins Kino gehen.

Danach will er mit mir zu Abend essen.

Nach dem Abendessen will er Mario Kart mit mir spielen.

Später will er früh ins Bett gehen.

Jetzt bist du dran!

Think of your best friend, classmate, or partner. What are two things that this person would want to do on their ideal day? What are two things that they would not want to do? You can use the sentences above as guides. Write those down in your written journal.


Obst, Obst und immer mehr Obst! We will start our food unit with the healthiest of foods. In the end, you will be able to 1) name at least 5 kinds of fruit, 2) make some comparisons of fruit, and 3) say which kinds of fruit you prefer to eat.

Was weißt du schon?

Let’s do a quick skills check before we begin.

Noch nicht start klar?

Du kannst immer auf die gleiche 1010-Lektion zurückgreifen!

Not confident about starting this lesson?

You can always review the same Lektion from 1010.

1) Obstsorten kennen

You might already recall some Obstsorten from your previous work with German. Remember that many are cognates. Look at the images and labels below. You will notice that the singular form of the fruit is given (when there is one piece of fruit) and then the plural form (when there is more than one).

Let’s practice.

Jetzt bist du dran!

Repetition is an integral part of language learning. In your written journal, write down five of your most favorite fruits. This week begin committing them to memory – their singular and plural forms.

2) Über Obst reden

Let’s look at words and their opposites that can describe fruit. Notice the cognates (think reif = ripe, sauer = sauer)

reif unreif
süß sauer
saftig nicht saftig

Read the sentences below. See if you can guess the meaning based on the images.

Die grünen Bananen sind unreif.

Die gelben Bananen sind reifer als die grünen Bananen.

Orangen sind saftiger als Äpfel.
Himbeeren sind süßer also Brombeeren.


Let’s practice.


Jetzt bist du dran!

Think of your top two fruits and choose a word above that can describe fruit. Then build a sentence that compares the two fruits like the sentences above.
Now record this in German in your audio journal. If you can do it immediately without reading, that’s great! Otherwise, practice saying it a couple times before recording. Or rerecord, if you are not satisfied.

3) Lieber und am liebsten

Sometimes you simply like one fruit more than another. You’ve learned in the past how to express preference (lieber) and how to express a favorite (am liebsten). Let’s use those words to discuss the fruits we enjoy.

Ich esse lieber Orangen als Äpfel.
Ich esse Himbeeren am liebsten.


Let’s practice.

For fun take this little quiz to determine what fruit you would be if you were a fruit!

Jetzt bist du dran!

Welches Obst isst du am liebsten? In your written journal, write a sentence that expresses the fruit you like the best.
Then record yourself  in your audio journal. If you can do it immediately without reading, that’s great! Otherwise, practice saying it a couple times before recording. Or rerecord, if you are not satisfied.


Zum Schluß

In this lesson, you learned to  1) name at least 5 kinds of fruit, 2) make some comparisons of fruit, and 3) say which kinds of fruit you prefer to eat. If you are feeling unsure about any part of the expanded introduction, go back to that section and review.
Now look at the pictures below. Write a sentence for each picture using the words and structures you saw in this lesson. Then record yourself in your audio journal. If you can do it immediately without reading, that’s great! Otherwise, practice saying it a couple times before recording. Or rerecord, if you are not satisfied.

*As you conclude this lesson, don’t forget to check Canvas!*

Before you go, check out this brief slide show from Deutsche Welle with idiomatic expressions featuring fruit.

Here is a large collection of idiomatic expressions featuring fruit with German explanations.


Media Attributions

  • 1020-banner-large-reduced
  • Photo of friends by pexels-mizunokozuki-13931321
  • 6.1 unequal-147925_1280
  • Photo of bananas by pexels-cup-of-couple-7303461
  • Photo of orange by pexels-gilmerdiaz-2378426
  • Photo of berries by pexels-pixabay-208526
  • Photo of little girl by pexels-shvetsa-11369060
  • Photo of girl with raspberries bypexels-rdne-5593098
  • Photo of berries by pexels-suzyhazelwood-1120575
  • Photo of toddler eating apple bypexels-raymond-petrik-1448389535-26728901
  • Photo of fruit basket by pexels-asphotograpy-235294


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Deutsch im Alltag II (DE) Copyright © by Rebecca Steele and Stephanie Schottel is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.