4.13 Wie oft kommst du dazu?
Hallo allerseits!
Zum Aufwärmen machen wir unseren Tagesminiplausch und eine Wiederholung.
In the previous lesson, you learned how to ask someone how long they have done an activity and to express a reason for why you enjoy your hobby. Let’s review what you have learned.
Choose one hobby or activity that brings you enjoyment. Maybe it’s visiting your parents, meditating, or playing a sport. Was gefällt dir an deinem Hobby? Consider the various answers you have learned. Write that reason down now in your written journal, preferably in a complete sentence.
As you continue to share your interests with potential friends, you may ask each other how often you each engage with your hobbies. In this lesson, we will take our previous knowledge about days and times of day and apply it to our hobbies and other free time activities. In the end, you will be able to 1) ask someone how often they engage with their hobbies, 2) say how often you engage with your hobbies/activities, and 3) say whether your hobbies are seasonally limited.
Was weißt du schon?
As always let’s begin with a skills check to see if you need to review from Deutsch im Alltag I before you begin this lesson.
Noch nicht start klar?
Du kannst immer auf die gleiche 1010-Lektion zurückgreifen! |
Not confident about starting this lesson?
You can always review the same Lektion from 1010. |
1) Asking someone when they engage with their hobbies
You might want to ask your friends how often they participate in an activity. Listen to the example questions below.
Wann schwimmst du?
Wann kochst du? Wann fotografierst du? |
Wie oft gehst du spazieren?
Wie oft spielst du Golf? Wie oft machst du Yoga? |
Let’s practice.
Remember: You can ask the question back with “Und du?“
Jetzt bist du dran!
2) Wann/Wie oft machst du dein Hobby?
Your acquaintances and friends might want to know how serious you are about your hobby. Is it an activity you do often or occasionally or somewhere in der Mitte. Hear are some responses that you can use as models. Read and listen. Be sure to click through to the second slide.
You can also show the regularity of an activity with the word jeden.
Just like Engish you can respond by saying the number of times you do something on a regular basis. Read and listen to these examples.
Ich spiele Volleyball zweimal die Woche. | |
Ich wandere dreimal im Monat. |
Let’s practice.
Kleiner Hinweis
Not every activity is every day, every week, every month, etc. Sometimes it occurs every couple of days, weeks, or months. Below are examples sentences to express that.
Ich spiele Fußball alle zwei Wochen. | I play soccer every two weeks. | |
Ich habe einen Buchklub alle zwei Monaten. | I have a book club every two months. |
Remember: You can ask the question back with “Und du?“
Jetzt bist du dran!
Wie oft machst du dein Hobby? Write down your general schedule as it relates to your hobby in your written journal.
3) Talking about seasonal hobbies
Hopefully each day that you access the textbook, you have been completing the Tagesminiplausch (it’s an opportunity for you to reinforce the days of the week, the months of the year, the date, and the season). If you have, then you are familiar with the seasons. To be sure, do a quick check of your season knowledge with the below.
Nur im Winter kann ich in Colorado skifahren. | |
Ich spiele Sandvolleyball nur im Sommer. |
Let’s do a quick comprehension check.
Let’s practice some more.
Jetzt bist du dran!
Zum Schluß
In this lesson, you learned to 1) ask someone how often they engage with their hobbies, 2) say how often you engage with your hobbies/activities, and 3) say whether your hobbies are seasonally limited. If you are feeling unsure about any part of the expanded introduction, go back to that section and review.
Let’s use a listening and reading activity with a native speaker to help put what we have learned into real-world context. Listen and read as Berna answers the question, Was machst du gern in deiner Freizeit? How does she answer? How often does she do her activity? If you want to challenge yourself, listen to the interview without reading along!
Was machst du in gern in deiner Freizeit?
Also, wenn ich dann Freizeit tatsächlich habe, dann tanze ich sehr gern, ich gehe gern mit meinen Freunden aus, und wir trinken ein bisschen und reden und tanzen. Ansonsten treffe ich mit einfach gern mit Menschen, ich bin gern unter Leuten.
Wie oft gehst du mit deinen Freunden aus?
Also, wenn wir Glück haben, dann können wir uns einmal die Woche treffen, ja, einmal die Woche würde ich sagen.
Und wohin geht ihr?
Wir gehen sehr oft in irgendwelche Pubs oder z.B. Irish Pubs, in der Stadtmitte, im Zentrum.
When you are done, answer Berna’s question for yourself in your written journal. Then record your answer. You may also meet up with a classmate and record together.
*As you conclude this lesson, don’t forget to check Canvas!*
Media Attributions
- Jahreszeiten activity adapted from apps.zum.de by Karl Kirst and Aanisah DLV, under the CC BY-SA 4.0 International License.
- Berna’s Interview and transcript adapted from Deutsch im Blick, by Zsuzsanna Abrams, licensed under CC BY 4.0 International license.