Thema 5: Der Uni-Alltag
Mein Uni-Alltag
The opposite of free time is work. For many university students, work is going to class, doing homework, preparing for class, studying for exams, meeting with your professors. For many more university students, work is doing all of those things and having a job to pay for school. Thema 5 Mein Uni-Alltag will introduce you to words and phrases related to going to college and working. This topic will include being able to talk about time and schedules as well as some daily tasks and routines. In the end, you will be able to talk about your typical day and the things your have to do and your ideal day and the things you want to do.
5.1 Was studierst du?
- ask someone where they go to college
- ask someone what their major is
- say what some of your friends are majoring in
- ask someone where they are in their studies
- say whether you are working on your Bachelors or Masters
5.2 Warum lernst du Deutsch?
- understand and ask a question using warum
- say why you are learning German
5.3 Wann sind deine Kurse?
- ask someone about their course load
- ask someone when they have class
- say on which days you have class
5.4 Um wie viel Uhr hast du Kurse?
- ask someone when they have class
- state the start and end times of your courses
- talk about your schedule
5.5 Wann lernst du am besten?
- ask someone when they study best for class
- say when you best study for class
- say how often and what you study
5.6 Wo lernst du gern?
- ask someone where they like to study for class
- say where you prefer to study for class
- say where you best study for class
5.7 Wie kommst du zur Uni?
- ask someone how they get to class
- say how you prefer to travel to class
- describe some transportation vehicles you own
- understand directions
5.8 Alltagsaktivitäten
- ask about someone’s daily activities
- name your daily activities
- tell time on the 12hr clock
- talk about your daily activities on the 12hr clock
5.9 Die Tagespflichten
- say what things you have to do
- say whether you have to work during your studies (and what kind of work you have)
- say when you have to do things
5.10 My typischer Tag
- talk about sequenced events
- talk about your Monday routine in sequence
- compare choice, obligations, and sequence on your typical Monday vs. Sunday
5.11 Mein idealer Tag
- say which things that you want to do
- say which things your friend wants to do
- say which things each of you does not want to do
- say what you want to do together
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