
3.2 Eigenschaften und Gegensätze

Grüß Gott!

Zum Aufwärmen machen wir unseren Tagesminiplausch und eine Wiederholung.


Jetzt bist du dran!

Wer ist lustig? Who is funny? Do you have anyone in your family who is funny? Go through your closest family members and write in your journal whether they are funny (or not!). Use Lara’s example as your model: Meine Mutter ist ein lustiger Mensch. Mein Vater ist kein lustiger Mensch. Aber meine Schwester ist auch eine lustige Person. Und mein Bruder ist keine lustige Person.


In this lesson, you will expand your ability to describe another person’s characteristics (Eigenschaften), words that describe how a person is. In the end, you will be able to 1) identify opposite pairs of characteristics, 2) talk about your family member’s characteristics, and 3) compare family members through more/less.

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Du kannst immer auf die gleiche 1010-Lektion zurückgreifen!

Not confident about starting this lesson?

You can always review the same Lektion from 1010.

1) Identify opposite pairs of characteristics

As you might remember, there are a couple of ways to say the opposite of a characteristic in German. This is true in English too! Think: He is not intelligent. He is unintelligent. 

In the previous exercise, we looked at ways to say essentially the same thing. Now let’s focus on true opposites. Using the process of elimination and what you know about cognates, complete the activity below.

Jetzt bist du dran!

Wie bist du? Wie ist dein Bruder? Wie ist deine Schwester? What are you like? What is your brother like? What is your sister like? Consider the adjectives from this lesson so far. Pick several that describe you and your favorite family member and several that describe the opposite and write about yourself and your favorite family member. Challenge yourself and think through the different ways of saying opposites.

Use Lara’s example as a model: Ich bin fleißig, freundlich und extrovertiert. Also bin ich nicht faul, nicht unfreundlich und introvertiert. Mein Bruder ist ungeduldig, faul und intelligent. Also ist er nicht geduldig, nicht fleißig und nicht dumm.

Do you see how she stated three characteristics and then restated them in different ways of using opposites (nicht, un-, and the opposite word)? Try it! Remember, the more you repeat, the more you will remember.

When you are ready, record your descriptions aloud in your audio journal. Rerecord until you are satisfied.

2) Über die Familie sprechen

Consider the characteristic faul (lazy). You’ve learned that you can place the word nicht in front of the adjective or characteristic to indicate the opposite of that adjective.

Can you tell from the images what the other words in front of the word faul mean?

Very lazy dog Golden Retriever on back man playing with dog
sehr faul ein bißchen faul/etwas faul gar nicht faul


Jetzt bist du dran!

Wie intelligent ist deine Mutter oder dein Vater? Oder, deine Geschwister? Pick a family member and some of the descriptors we covered so far and write to which degree (nicht, gar nicht, etwas/ein bißchen, and sehr) that family member is (or is not) that way.

Once again, use Lara’s example as a model: Mein Bruder ist sehr ungeduldig, etwas faul und gar nicht dumm. If you want more practice, add a second family member who is different from your first, and write out sentences of descriptions.

Now record these statements in German in your audio journal. If you can do it immediately without reading, that’s great! Otherwise, practice saying it a couple times before recording again.

3) Familienmitglieder vergleichen

You have some experience making comparisons in German. Think: Ich bin älter als mein Bruder. 

Read and listen to the comic below.



Jetzt bist du dran!

Wer ist fleißiger? Wer ist freundlicher? Choose at least one Eigenschaft and compare yourself to your favorite family member. Enter your comparisons into your written journal.
Then record your comparisons in your audio journal. Practice saying them a couple times before recording. Or rerecord, if you are not satisfied.


Österreich im Blickpunkt: Die Linzer Grottenbahn


Die Linzer Grottenbahn ist eine touristische Märchenwelt in einem der Befestigungstürme in Linz. Ein elektrisch angetriebener Zug in Drachengestalt namens Lenzibald fährt durch den äußeren Ring des historischen Wehrturms.


Auf der Fahrt kann man verschiedene Szenen aus bekannten Märchen sehen. Am Ende der Fahrt geht man durch eine bunte Festbeleuchtung.

The Grotto Railway in Linz is a touristy fairy tale world in one of the fortification towers in Linz. An electrically operated train in the form of a dragon named Lenzibald moves through the outer ring of the historical defense tower. The ride takes the visitors past a variety of scenes from well-known fairy tales. At the end of the ride goes through a colorfully illuminated tunnel.


Zum Schluß

In this lesson, you learned how toto 1) identify opposite pairs of characteristics, 2) talk about your family member’s characteristics, and 3) compare family members through more/less. If you are feeling unsure about any part of today’s lesson, go back to that section and review.

Let’s combine it all! Pick 2-3 family members and compare them to you and to each other – also using the words that mark the intensity of a characteristic. Use Lara’s example as a model:

Mein Bruder ist viel ungeduldiger als ich. Er ist etwas fauler als unsere kleine Schwester. Meine Schwester ist freundlicher als ich und mein Bruder.

*As you conclude this lesson, don’t forget to check Canvas!*

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Deutsch im Alltag II (AT) Copyright © by Rebecca Steele and Stephanie Schottel is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.