2.1 Mein weiterer Familienkreis
Hallo alle zusammen!
Let’s warm up with our Tagesminiplausch.
In this lesson, we will talk about our extended families. In the end, you will be able to 1) say who belongs to your extended family (der weitere Familienkreis), 2) talk about family relationships, and 3) ask about family relationships.
Was weißt du schon?
Complete the activities below before moving on to today’s lesson.
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You can always review the same Lektion from 1010. |
1) Mein weiterer Familienkreis
Let’s expand our family vocabulary. Using what you know about cognates (words that look similar in two languages), complete the activity below.
Now watch the following video. Remember you probably won’t understand everything. Practice being comfortable with being uncomfortable. See if you hear any of the vocabulary words from above. What other family words do you recognize? After the video, you will be prompted to answer questions about Sarah and Daniele’s families.
Other potentially useful family vocabulary:
der Schwager | brother-in-law | Nichte | niece |
die Schwägerin | sister-in-law | Neffe | nephew |
Schwiegervater | father-in-law | das Einzelkind | only child |
Schwiegermutter | mother-in-law | der/die/die Verwandte(n) | the (m/f) relative(s) |
der Familienstand | marital status | die Witwe |
widow |
verheiratet | married | der Witwer | widower |
unverheiratet | unmarried | der Junggeselle | bachelor |
geschieden | divorced | der Lebensgefährte | significant other, m |
verlobt | engaged | die Lebensgefährtin | significant other, f |
verwandt | related | die Ehefrau/Frau |
wife |
der Ehemann/Mann | husband |
Do you remember how to say that you do not have something or that you have more than one of that thing? Let’s see how that looks with extended family members.
Jetzt bist du dran!
2) Talk about family relationships
Watch the video with Sarah and Daniele again. How do they describe whether their siblings are older or younger than they are? Are either of them the oldest of their siblings?
After the video, you will answer questions about Sarah and Daniele’s siblings and then you will practice how to say that you are older or younger than a sibling.
Jetzt bist du dran!
3) Ask about family relationships
Read and listen to the following questions. What do you think is being asked?
Wie groß ist deine Familie? | Hast du Geschwister? | Wie heißen deine Eltern? | Hast du Haustiere? |
Jetzt bist du dran!
Zum Schluß
Österreich im Blickpunkt
Graz ist die zweitgrößte Stadt Österreichs mit 300.000 Einwohnern. Der Astronom Johannes Kepler war von 1594-1600 als Lehrer für Mathematik in Graz tätig. Es gibt deswegen u.a. eine Kepler-Straße, eine Kepler-Brücke, ein Kapler-Haus in Graz. Interessanterweise wurde Kepler als Graz vertrieben, weil er Protestant war.
Graz is the second largest city in Austria with a population of 300,000. The astronomer Johannes Kepler worked in Graz as a teacher for math from 1594-1600. There are, among other things, a street, a bridge, and a house named after him. Interestingly, he was exiled from Graz, because he was a protestant.
*As you conclude this lesson, don’t forget to check Canvas!*
Media Attributions
- Familie video adapted from Grenzenlos Deutsch, licensed under a CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 International License.
Media Attributions
- 1020-at-banner-large-1
- Private: