
1.4 Meine Lieblingsfarbe

Hallo zusammen!

Let’s warm up with our daily small talk (Tagesminiplausch) and a brief review (Wiederholung).


In the last lessons, you learned how to introduce others, how to spell and to understand words being spelled, how to give your birthdate, and how to ask how old someone is. Let’s review. be sure to click through to each question.



Jetzt bist du dran!

In your audio journal, introduce yourself, spell your name, and give your pronouns, if desired. Then give your birthdate and age.


In this lesson, we will expand our introductory conversation. In the end, you will be able to 1) name a wide variety of colors, 2) ask what someone’s favorite color, and 3) say what someone’s favorite color is.

Was weißt du schon?

To complete this lesson, you should already know how to say your favorite color. Before moving on with today’s lesson, check your confidence with the activities below.


Noch nicht start klar?

Du kannst immer auf die gleiche 1010-Lektion zurückgreifen!

Not confident about starting this lesson?

You can always review the same Lektion from 1010.

Jetzt bist du dran!

Now in your audio journal, record yourself saying as many colors that come to mind. Have fun with it. Then record yourself saying your favorite color (Meine Lieblingsfarbe ist…).

1) Name a wide variety of colors

Knowing the basic colors (Farben) is important, but knowing how to express a full range of colors can be useful. Remember that words that look similar in the two languages are called cognates. Using this idea, see if you can match the colors below.


Jetzt bist du dran!

Which colors above are you most drawn to? Write those words down in your written journal. Then record them in your audio journal. Remember you can listen to the pronunciation in the flash cards above.

2) Ask what someone’s favorite color is

Read and listen to the conversation below and answer the questions that follow.


Jetzt bist du dran!

Imagine you have a friend or classmate sitting nearby (and maybe you do!). How would you ask them what their favorite color is? Try that out now in your audio journal.



3) Say what someone’s favorite color is

Read, listen and repeat.


Character saying, his favorite color is purple.


Kleiner Hinweis

Remember, the German language doesn’t have silent e‘s at the end of words like English does (e.g. love, come, have). So, the e‘s at the end of words like meine Lieblingsfarbe have a sound at the end. Listen to the examples.

  meine Lieblingsfarbe deine Lieblingsfarbe
  ihre Lieblingsfarbe xiere Lieblingsfarbe


Jetzt bist du dran!

What is your partner or friend’s favorite color? How would you say that in a sentence? Write that sentence down now. Then record yourself saying it aloud in your audio journal.


Österreich im Blickpunkt

Seit 1996 findet die Regenbogenparade im Rahmen der “Vienna Pride” statt. Die Parade ist sowohl ein farbenfroher Umzug mit gelassener Stimmung, als auch eine politische Demonstration für LGBTQI Rechte.

Since 1996, the Rainbow Parade has taken place as part of “Vienna Pride”. The parade is both a colorful, laid back procession as well as a political demonstration in favor of LGBTQI rights.


Zum Schluß

In this lesson, you learned to 1) name a wide variety of colors, 2) ask what someone’s favorite color, and 3) say what someone’s favorite color is. If you are feeling unsure about any part, go back to that section and review.
Now have fun and try to list all of the new colors that you learned. Can you say some too? Record what you remember in your audio journal. Maybe now you have a new favorite color!

*As you conclude this lesson, don’t forget to check Canvas!*


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Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

Deutsch im Alltag II (AT) Copyright © by Rebecca Steele and Stephanie Schottel is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.