
4.3 Der Beziehungsstatus


Zum Aufwärmen machen wir unseren Tagesminiplausch und eine Wiederholung.


In the previous lesson you practiced describing your favorite person – their personality and how they look. You also made comparisons between you and your Lieblingsmensch, your best friend. Take a moment to review. Remember that repetition is vital to language learning.

Jetzt bist du dran!

Wie ist dein Lieblingsmensch? Wie sieht er/sie/xier aus? Answer these questions in your written journal.

For more repetition, record your answer in your audio journal.


As you make new friends in Germany, it is possible – perhaps even likely – that people will ask you about your relationship status. In this lesson, you will learn how to answer that question. In the end, you will be able to 1) understand some questions asking about your relationship status, 2) say what your relationship status is, and 3) describe your ideal friend or romantic partner.

Was weißt du schon?

Noch nicht start klar?

Du kannst immer auf die gleiche 1010-Lektion zurückgreifen!

Not confident about starting this lesson?

You can always review the same Lektion from 1010.

1) Wie ist dein Beziehungsstatus?

Bist du single? Bist du schatzlos?

Bist du in einer festen Beziehung?

Hast du einen Freund/eine Freundin/eina Freund*in?


Woman holding flower Ich bin ledig.
Ich bin single.
Wir haben ein Date.
Wir verabreden uns.
Couple on date
Wir sind in einer festen Beziehung.
Ich habe einen Freund/eine Freundin/eina Freund*in.
Wir sind verheiratet.


Let’s continue practicing. Be sure to click through to each question.

🎥 For fun, you can watch this video in which native Germans describe their friendships and what friendship means to them.

Kleiner Hinweis

As you may have intuited, language is a living, evolving thing. Just like in American English people don’t use the terms rad or gnarly much any more (after all, those are words from the 1980’s), there are words and phrases that are trendy or not trendy in the German language. The word schatzlos from above is from this list:  list of Jugendsprache, language of the youth, from 2022. It might not be en vogue in a couple of years! Such is language.


Jetzt bist du dran!

Now write out a question or two that you could ask someone to elicit information about their relationship status. Then record yourself in your audio journal.

2) Mein Beziehungsstatus

Read and listen to the comic below. See what you can understand about the relationship status of each character.


Let’s practice!

Kleiner Hinweis

Remember that you have some flexibility when referring to a person and their gender expression. Become familiar with the masculine, feminine, and gender-neutral options below. Again language is always evolving. If this topic is of interest to you, be sure to research “geschlechtergerechter Sprache” or “Gendersprache” or “geschlechtsneutrale Sprache.”

Ich habe einen Freund/eine Freundin/eina Freund*in. 

Ich habe keinen Freund/keine Freundin/keina Freund*in.

Ich hatte einen Freund/eine Freundin/eina Freund*in. 

Ich will einen Freund/eine Freundin/eina Freund*in.

Ich will keinen Freund/keine Freundin/keina Freund*in.

Curious to learn more about romantic terms in German? Go here for a list of German words for love and romance.

Do Germans say “I love you”? Read here to find out.

Read about some cultural differences in this report from a foreigner dating an Austrian.


Jetzt bist du dran!

How would you describe your relationship status? In your written journal practice writing a sentence like the examples above.
Then record yourself in your audio journal.

3) Mein Ideal

Have you ever thought about your ideal partner? If so, how do you visualize their personality (Wie ist er/sie/xier?) and appearance (Wie sieht er/sie/xier aus?).

Read the comic below and answer the questions for practice.



Jetzt bist du dran!

Imagine that you are on a dating show and have been asked to describe your ideal partner. How do you visualize your ideal partner’s personality (Wie ist er/sie/xier?) and appearance (Wie sieht er/sie/xier aus?). Using the sentences above as examples, write a response in your written journal.


Salzburg im Blickpunkt


Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart kam 1756 als Sohn des Hofkomponisten und Vizekapellmeisters Leopold Mozart und dessen Frau Anna Maria im Haus Getreidegasse 9 in Salzburg zur Welt. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart erhielt ab dem Alter von vier Jahren gemeinsam mit seiner älteren Schwester Maria Anna Klavier-, Geigen- und allgemeinen Musikunterricht. Von 1761 stammen seine ersten Kompositionen. Ab 1762 – da war Mozart 6 Jahre alt – unternahm die Familie Konzertreisen, die sie an die Höfe der deutschen Fürsten, nach Wien an den Kaiserhof und später auch nach Paris und London führte. 

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born 1756 as the son of court composer and deputy Kapellmeister Leopold Mozart and his wife Anna Maria in their house at Getreidegasse 9 in Salzburg. Together with his older sister Maria Anna, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart started receiving lessons in piano, violin, and general music lessons at the age of four. His first compositions are from 1761. Starting in 1762, at the age of six, his family went on concert trips, which brought them to the courts of German kings, to Vienna at the court of the emperor and later to Paris and London.


Zum Schluß

In this lesson, you learned to 1) understand some questions asking about your relationship status, 2) say what your relationship status is, and 3) describe your ideal friend or romantic partner. If you are feeling unsure about any part, please go back and review.
Now let’s combine all of the questions and answers we have covered in this lesson. Listen to and read along with the dialogue Julia wrote and recorded with Alex.
Julia Hallo, Alex. Bist du single?
Alex Hallo, Julia. Ja, ich bin single. Und du?
Julia Nein, ich bin nicht single. Ich habe seit einem Jahr einen Freund. Er heißt Tobias. Er ist groß und hat schwarze Haare und dunkelbraune Augen. Er ist ruhig und sportlich. Wie sieht deina ideala Freund*in aus? Wie ist xier?
Alex Meine ideale Freundin ist klein und hat blonde Haare und grüne Augen. Sie ist freundlich und aktiv.

Using Julia’s dialogue as a model, write your own dialogue between you and friend or classmate in your written journal and then record your dialogue. Or meet with a classmate and work together to write and record.

*As you conclude this lesson, don’t forget to check Canvas!*

Media Attributions

Media Attributions

  • 1020-at-banner-large-1
  • 4.3_2 make-beliefs-comix-18-2048×684
  • 4.3_3 comic file-66fd6bc0910d7
  • Private:


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Deutsch im Alltag II (AT) Copyright © by Rebecca Steele and Stephanie Schottel is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.